Saturday, February 6, 2010

Emerging Technology #3: Free Rice

The next technology I will explore is the website Free Rice.  When I first stumbled across this resource, I couldn't believe something so wonderful could really exist.  Free Rice is a non-for-profit website run by the United Nations.  When you first go to the site, it presents a series of vocabulary words from the very basic to SAT prep level words.  However, you can also change subjects.  It offers questions in art, chemistry, English, geography, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and math.  For each question a student answers correctly, the sponsors on the site will donate 10 grains of rice through the United Nations World Food Program.  When I had my students use the site, I told them they were bettering their minds while saving the world :).

If they simply go through the questions in the default settings, they receive a harder question in their category when they get a question right and an easier question when they get one wrong.  The student can also select a level to start to work through. 


The interactive nature of this site keeps the students engaged at a very high level.  They love seeing their bowls of rice piling up as they get more and more questions right.  It also requires no information from the student (or teacher!)  The site never asks for a name or email address.  It simply asks for your time as you attempt answer questions in the various subject areas. 


Once you try this site, you will have trouble getting on your computer and getting your work done.  This site is so addictive, it should come with a warning from the FDA!  I'd also like it if more subjects were added.  I'm sure there are many creative ways music could be added to the site :).

I feel it important to note that some of the pictures in the art section depict the naked human form.  It is definitely artistic, but younger students might not be ready to handle these images with maturity.  It is best to monitor the little ones at all times when they are on this site.

Uses in the Classroom

At least in my classroom, this is an optional activity for when they finish an assignment early.  Since music is not directly taught on this site, I don't feel right requiring my students to use it as part of my curriculum.  However, just about any other subject could benefit from the extra practice the students receive.  It can also tell when someone is just randomly hitting answers.  The site will bring up a message asking you to take your time, because it cannot handle going too quickly through the questions. 


As I stated earlier, this site will not become a regular part of my curriculum until music is added.  However, it has been a great use of the students time in the lab when they finish an assignment early.  I've had little friendly competitions between students in various subject areas to see who could earn the most rice in a given amount of time.  My husband, who coaches our school's math bowl team, has used the math section as part of his regimen for his students' homework.  Not only does this site provide the students with academic growth, but it gives them a greater sense of social responsibility.  What could be better than that!