Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emerging Technology #2: Jitterbug

The next technology I'd like to explore is the website Jitterbug.  This site is part of "kindie" movement (kids and independent music).  The site provides a platform for independent musicians to upload music specifically for young children.  It also links to great music for children that avoids irritating the adults being subjected to it!  Good children's music should be inspiring to the young and the young at heart.

The site has three main sections.  The category section organizes selections by type.   There is an artist section that features a variety of independent artists.  The radio section plays child appropriate music that can be customized by playlist if you sign in.  However, signing up is not a requirement to use this site.  This level of personalization should be very appealing to the mindset of our little "digital natives."  :)

This site isn't just for music educators.  I found a "channel" on the site that links to youtube videos of excellent televisions clips.  Check out this tender moment between Elmo and Nora Jones as they explore the letter Y.

In my own classroom, I can see myself using Jitterbug to introduce new styles of music to my students.  There are also some videos that feature famous musicians.  Some the students would recognize, and others the students should become more familiar with.  The challenge may be to keep this particular site open for my students.  We have a fairly rigorous internet filter that can filter in categories such as "music" or "videos."  A site that would be available today may be blocked tomorrow.  For this reason, I would need a back-up plan to include this in a lesson.